Advent Challenge: Behold


Day 10

Behold your true self.

It’s there, maybe buried. Buried by you yourself or by others.

Buried for it’s bravery. For it’s intensity. For it’s impact to change whatever is around it for the good, but not always easily or comfortably.

Buried by the protective selfishness of ego - our own ego and the ego of those around us.

Buried because it’s the image of God in you, and this world works to bury it.

Choose God in you. Choose God drawing Himself out of you.

Like light decimating darkness forever, choosing the true self God has placed in you decimates the ego.

Turn up the brightness, no bad thing can hide as it lights up all the shadowy corners.

Behold His work in your heart, brilliantly illuminated, open to let love in and send love out..

Gaze on it carefully, and then brush away the dust that remains.

Release your true self into the world completely so that others may behold the glory of God through your life, here and now.

Bonni Mace1 Comment