Advent Challenge: Begin


Day 2

Routine. That’s my jam.

Give me as little to think about as I move through my day. That’s the goal.

Maybe that’s why beginning feels hard. It’s new. It breaks the routine. It shocks my brain out of auto-pilot and stretches it to new depths.

The younger version of me thought that one day I would just arrive. Not needing to begin anything new or challenging again, I made it.

The 30 year old version of me sees the grace in beginning new in each season. A chance for the work of Christ in our lives to reach new depths shaping our likeness to be more like Him.

So begin in me again, Jesus. Reach further in. Spur my heart onward into new places. Show me where you show up in the next. Help me embrace the new. Help me begin in line with Your work.

Life always begins new things. Live.

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