Advent Challenge: Weary


Day 3

Weary is not the word I chose for 2019, but it chose me.

I stood on the brink of burnout this year, soul tired. Weary.

Weary is not a word I would ever want to use to describe my state. I’ve got to push through, be better, drink more coffee, overcome. But weariness waits for no man…or woman.

It comes in on all sides and presses in until you stop.




We cannot outrun weariness. We will never be faster or stronger than weariness.

The only way we can escape from its grasp is to stop, and let it blow past us at its furious pace.

We stop. We crumple. We collapse. The tears start falling, and they don’t hit cold ground. They hit our Savior’s lap as He reminds us of “the unforced rhythms of grace” He offers to us.

Weariness will not win when I stop in my Savior’s embrace.

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